Designer Ingrid Brandth´s workshop in Gran

Fish leather shoes 

Autumn 2022, Norskin teamed up with FOGG Gildeskål, shoe brand Kastel, and award winning designer Ingrid Brandth with a joint goal to make shoes out of fish skin.

The project is part of this years Design driven innovation program at DOGA (Design and architecture in Oslo) and is funded by the program.

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Norwegian Katapult funds new machinery

Norskin were successful applicants in the Norwegian katapult program with funding from the Siva-fund, an amount of half a million NOK was funded where Siva will cover 50%.

The main goal for this project is to develop a prototype machine for skinning broodstock salmon, in order to partly or fully replace the manual methods that are used today.

Norskin are currently working on developing a machine that will allow for a more efficient skinning process.

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Fish skin in production

Bio-plastic study - phase 2

After successfully completing phase 1 of our R&D project with Nofima, we are now continuing our project by looking into testing our fish scale bio-plastic in food packaging.

The background for this project was to satisfy the demands to reduce single-use plastic in the market.

A pilot project has been implemented with ODA and Huseby Gård, where the aim is to use the bio plastic in packing vegetables for the online grocer.

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Project with Nofima and MABIT

Early summer 2021 Norskin teamed up with Nofima and MABIT and completed the first stage of a research and development study to extract gelatin from fish scales in order to create bio-plastics to be used in product packaging.

The main goal of the project was to find a process of extracting gelatin from fish scales that could be used on a large-scale basis and perform analyzes on the product to find if it is of good enough quality so it could be included in bioplastics.

Read in full depth here
