Caring for the Future

Norskin is ideally situated, with the Skjerstad fjord right outside the window. The salmon from the Skjerstad fjord is the first and only Atlantic salmon farmed in open net pens that’s rated “Best Choice” by the Seafood Watch program. This gives us access to high quality raw materials that have been produced without using chemicals, avoiding escapes to protect wildlife, and farmed at a low intensity. Combine this with the fact that we are utilising a raw material that otherwise would have gone to waste, and has the potential to reduce carbon-footprint in the production of leather goods, Norskins materials are sustainable alternatives to traditional leather.

Traceability Working exclusively with certified Farmers, our material is 100% traceable through its complete life-cycle. This ensures that  we can deliver a trulysustainable product, and document its origin.


At Norskin we are in the process of implementing a blockchain system in order to trace our material from start to finish. The salmon can be traced all the way to the point of hatching and we are able to document this through photos and videos in our tracing systems.

We wish to show the journey of our materials, in order to show the well-being of the salmon, and the fact that they live in good conditions, Norskin´s vision is to be one of the most traceable and high quality materials in the world.

Traceability is a must in the fashion and textile industry today. Sergio Tamborini, president of SMI, Italy’s fashion and textile trade federation, which represents an estimated 50,000 companies and nearly 400,000 employees, said during an interview that the textile industry is facing “increasing market and government pressure to guarantee transparent information about its environmental impact.” *Source

Traceability through blockchain systems can prevent greenwashing by allowing consumers to see the whole journey of the material and allows us be completely transparent in our production.

Better for the Environment Producing 1 kilo of beef equals26,61 kilos of CO2-emissions.  The same number for fish (all spiecies) is 3,49 kilos*. By using the skin which would otherwise go to waste, we contribute to bringing that number further down…

Better for the Environment

If we look at the comparison of salmon vs beef, there are vast differences in greenhouse gas emissions.

Producing 1 kilo of beef equals 26,61 kilos of CO2-emissions. The same number for fish (all species) is 3,49 kilos*. By using the skins which would otherwise go to waste, we contribute to bringing that number further down.

* “Systematic review of greenhouse gas emissions for different fresh food categories”, Crossin, Verghese (RMIT) and Clune ( Lancaster University), 2017.

Sustainable Fashion Getting sustainability right pays dividends as consumers, led by millennials and Gen Z, are demanding it: online searches for “sustainable fashion” tripled between 2016 and 2019*. Our mission is to collaborate with our customers …

Sustainable Fashion

Getting sustainability right pays dividends as consumers, led by millennials and Gen Z which are demanding it. Our mission is to collaborate with our customers to develop materials that answer to the consumers demand.

´Sustainability is trendy. Amid shifting consumer sentiment and mounting criticism in the press, international legislation is forcing change in how companies make and market their products.´ source