A small text about the heritage of fish skin along with an image of Lofoten.

Our heritage

In 1432 an Italian ship encountered a terrible storm and sank in the Bay of Biscay. Many miles away they ran ashore on the island of Røst, part of the Lofoten archipelago. Only eleven crew members survived, one of them, Pietro Querini wrote the following in his diary:

“They live in small, round houses built of wood here. They only have one window, in the middle of the roof, and as it gets very cold here during winter, they have covered it with skin from some large fish. The skin has been treated in a manner that allows light to shine through it.”

Norskin builds on knowledge passed down through generations. Like those before us, we believe in utilizing every part of what we harvest from the sea, leaving nothing to waste. Our aim is to make it easy to utilize a sustainable quality material that adds value and meaning to any product and brand, and take advantage of materials that otherwise would be discarded.

Showing the production areas at Norskin facilities at Holstad, along with a text about the heritage.

To survive in the harsh environment of the Arctic, our forefathers had to be creative, and use what they had to build a life up here.

Leather from the sea provided them with clothing, shoes and windows for their homes, among other things.

Although we use modern equipment, the process is much the same as they used. So you could say that our product builds on centuries of history and experience.

We offer a sustainable and traceable alternative to traditional leather by procuring, sorting and pretreating the highest quality material from the ice-cold seas of Northern Norway, providing discerning tanneries with a formable product delivered to their specifications.

Our VENTURE – Values


We create value through more effective utilising of what we already have – to make sure our next generations also can benefit from what the ocean provides.

We aim to reduce the CO2-footprint of the leather industry, by offering an alternative material. Born and raised in Northern Norway, respect for nature is an integral part of our DNA.

Norwegian Quality
We have a proud heritage, the ocean has always been a part of our history and future. Learning from the past, we know that utilising every part of what we harvest is the way forward.

We take pride in how we make our product, and the fact that it’s traceable throughout the value chain, and we seek cooperation to make our products better, and to learn from others approach.

We have identified a gap in the luxury market, an opportunity for leather from the sea. By offering a certified, eco-friendly material and a compelling brand, our goal is to be the preferred alternative to traditional leather.

We aim to have an open and honest communication with our partners, to ensure that our materials meet their expectations and specifications. We strive to meet the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business.

We take an active part in our local community, our goal is to establish long-term, knowledge-based employment opportunities and ensure that our resources create local value, both for businesses and the the community as a whole.