The Future of Leather Lies in the Ocean

Norskin is a modern, high-end material sourced from the cold, arctic seas in Northern Norway. It is a natural choice that adds value to any product. Not only is it extremely durable and formable. It is also better for the environment, with a carbon footprint much smaller than traditional leather. Utilizing renewable sources to help build a better future, Norskin is the material of tomorrow, available today.

Who are we?

Norskin is a company situated in Northern Norway, building on knowledge passed down through generations. We strongly believe in utilizing every part of what we harvest from the sea, leaving as little as possible to waste.

What do we do?

We offer a greener alternative to traditional leather, by procuring, sorting and pretreating the highest quality materials from the sea, providing the best tanneries with a formable material delivered to their specifications.

Why do we do it?

Moving forward towards a circular future, does not only demand new solutions and materials, it is equally important to cut waste and utilize every part of what we harvest from the sea. It made sense to our forefathers, and it makes sense to us.
